Nissan Patrol H4 upgrade to Xenon Halogen
H4 UPGRADE 180W /Lowbeam
200 W High Beam
Toyota H4 5800K
GTW Upgrade Harness
Nissan Patrol TY61 GU Y61 H4 100/90 Xenon Halogen GTW Upgrade Harness 180W/200W
With Spare Globes
Plug and Play in ANY vehicle Negative or Positive Switching
You can not get a LED upgrade to your vehicle ?
Closest thing you can get to a LED upgrade that is 100% legal in all states and all Countries.
Same as basic package but with GTW Harness.
Warranty :
Harness is 2 years
Globes 1 Year.
Download these instructions Now for Free
Download instructions
Seriously I Have guys buying LED conversions that have forked out $625 on
"Super looms" $275 and IPF rally Globes .. $175 a pair ..
Are you serious ? Yep High CRI and great night vision .. can be yours at a
respectable and reasonable price .
You know what .. spend 1/4 or less and get 99.5% of the result.
The regulations have changed to specify Lumens .. not Watts .. in the old days it was 65W
Now it is 2000 Lumens .. these are about 1900 lumens and at a much better color temperature
that suits night driving.
CONS: these are not rated 30,000-50,000 hours like our FUll LED Conversion Kits ..
They are rated around 3000 Hours . Yeah well .. they are what they are ..
That is the Halogen technology .. But the results are respectable .. about 60 % of a full LED conversion
with the 96% CRI Figures .. that are made out my some to be so important.
I offer replacement globes at a very reasonable price .
The light output is respectable and you can check out the youTube video
See it on Youtube
This is a 2001 Mazda Premacy .. with the harness and headlight upgrade .. H4 Only ..
Of course with the H1 added to equation .. double the high beam out put .
So if night driving SAFETY is a concern and you have Light bars or LED/HID spots then you will be able to see on low beam.
For technical support Please visit
Full support for AU NZ and warranty .
I apologise that I can not make LED kits for all cars .. but this is close enough and safe enough for real driving .
Colour Temperature: